Will James 8?
The following is the forward to the new Will James book I’m working on - no title yet, the working title is Will James 8.
Title Suggestions?
Complete the form at the bottom after you read the foreword and if your title is chosen for my 8th book in the Will James Mystery Series you will receive a FREE copy!
After 42 Years I May Finally Finish!
I'm fully focused on finishing this business book, which has the working title of "The Total Business Survival Kit." It's aimed at new and seasoned managers in various industries to help them become better leaders in today's challenging business environment.
For Whom the Sun Rises: An Author’s View
Over the years, I've adapted to writing just about anywhere—back tables in fast food joints, libraries surrounded by stacks of research books, and even the passenger seat of a car. I'm set if I have some scrap paper, a few sharp pencils, and a fully charged laptop. But the room in my home with a view of the sunrise is my favorite place to write!
My Journey to Becoming a Published Author
My Journey to Becoming a Published Author
It was early February 1980. I was on a plane sitting on the tarmac at LAX for what seemed like an eternity. Reaching into my attaché case, I began reading that day’s USA Today, left by my hotel door earlier that morning. One news item grabbed my attention: an FBI sting operation involving several dozen targeted elected officials, including then-sitting members of Congress. Living in New Jersey at the time, I was immediately drawn to the name of U.S. Senator Harrison Williams, who represented New Jersey.
Elsie Blumenthal Fetterman: Her Biography
This is an authorized biography of a soon-to-be 97-year-old dynamo! Elsie Blumenthal Fetterman. You will be amazed at the accomplishments she has achieved in her 97 years and she is an inspiration to all who wish to make a difference for others.
Still I am Learning
Still I am Learning
Originally written in 2017, I reflect and share it again with you!
Welcome to My New Website!
With expert assistance during the rebranding process, I am beyond excited to reveal the new and improved site, now open for business! My ultimate goal is for you to discover it as a welcoming, informative, and enjoyable space to explore all of my books