A Reader’s Story

I write mysteries, short stories, and biographies of unsung heroes. 

Over the years my readership has blossomed from seniors up to ninety-four, to youngsters from ten years of age, and truly every age group in between.

The mail I receive is the envy of many of my published writer friends.  My readers seem to have adopted many of my characters and complain loudly when they feel their favorite character has been deprived of their moment in the sun.  How can that not make me feel both honored and humbled?

The one story that will sit inside my heart for the rest of my life happened during one of my appearances in New England.  A man grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. 

He told me that his mother-in-law was my biggest fan.  “She owns every one of your books.”  His eyes began to water, “She has Alzheimer’s.  There are days she doesn’t remember who I am, and doesn’t recognize my wife, her daughter, or our children.  But, if we bring up any one of your books … mention even a background character … she instantly comes to life.  

"There is a small shelf near her bed that holds all of your books.  God forbid someone touch any of them and she instantly attacks like a tigress protecting her young.”

As we parted, his wife came by and repeated that heartwarming story.

If you only reach one human being like that, you are the luckiest person of all.

I am thankful for my readers and appreciate each and every one of them.  

~Martin Herman


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